
Wednesday, 15 January 2014


We can see in 1 & 2 sentences there iscohesion subordinate conjunction “despite” and there also “and” as coordinate conjunction to connected The Ulema Council’s Food and Drug Analysis Agency. In the second sentence also found cohesion (repetition)agency”. There was a compact meaning(coherence) between first and second sentence that the government of West Java have not obtained halal certification to many West Java’s food products even though based on the agency’s data since 1995 The Ulema Council’s Food and (LPPOM MUI)  has issued 10,000 halal certificates for local foods enterprises in the province.
In the 2 & 3 there is cohesion (repetition) the word “province” and between those sentences we found the relation, including word “whereas” as emphasis cohesion. Because in those sentences, still talking about the enterprises yet. Those (enterprises) had gotten halal certification according to Agency’s data. In the third sentence we see cohesion instrument (reference) “there” back to The National Statistic Agency (BPS).
In the 3 & 4 according to the data there is coherence purpose that ispossibility, many of enterprises has not obtained certificates. Therefore, obtaining halal certification had considered as a good step according to Ferry’s opinion. We can find also in the fourth sentence there is cohesion (conjunction) “and” to connected West Java Industry and Trade Agency.
Considerably, in the 4 & 5 there is cohesion (reference)he” itrefers to Ferry Sofyan. Whereas, in the 5 & 6 we will see the coherence between two sentences means, where Indonesia was left by neighboring countries Malaysia and Thailand in this problem, therefore the provincial administration had provided financial assistant for the enterprises since 2005.
In the 6 & 7 there are two cohesions (pronoun). First, plural second person “we” it’s refer to the provincial administraon. Second, plural third person “they” it refers to the provincial administration. And we can take the meaning there is coherence meaning between those sentences. In the sixth sentence have said that in facilitating local food enterprises to obtain the certificates, in the seventh sentence insisted that the provincial administration had provided assistance for those with annual sales of no more than Rp 50 million and have to obtain home industry certification from The Health Agency.
In the 8 & 9 sentences we can see the cohesion (repetition) The Administration” itrefers to sentence before. And there is cohesion (reference)he” that’s refer to Trade Agency Head, Ferry Sofyan in the eighth sentence. And also there is cohesion (subordinate conjunction) “and” that connect Rp 1, 5 million and Rp 5 million.Finally, we can find the coherence meaning between those sentences, based on the data since 2005 had issuing around 6,700 halal certificates, the enterprises usually had to spend between 1.5 and 5 million to obtain a halal certificate, depending on the scale of the business.
In the 9 & 10 sentences there is cohesion(pronoun)we” that refers to the provincial administration and Ferry as the speaker in the text. And thecohesionbut” (conjunction), has found in those opinions in the tenth sentence.
In the 10 & 11 sentences we can find cohesion (pronoun)he”, it refers to Suprijana as the director of West Java LPPOM MUI. In the 12 sentence there is cohesion. Besides, we can take the conclusion those sentences has coherence meaning. As Suprijana’s opinion we need to check not only the final product but all things, and we each enterprises had to extend its halal certificates.
In the 11 & 12 sentences we know that cohesion grammaticaltheir certificates” and “their products” those refer to 50 percent of the total food enterprises. The (coherence) of those sentences is in Suprijana’s opinion said that every enterprises had to extend its halal certificates every two years, but only around 50 percent of the total food enterprises have extended their certificates.
Considerably, in the 13 & 14 sentences we find cohesion (pronoun)we”, it refers to West java’s Association of Retail Business and Hendry Hendarta as the secretary of this association. And thecohesionhe”, that refers to him (Hendry Hendarta) in the fourteenth sentence. We can take the coherence meaning between those sentences, that halal certificate was one of the requirements for local enterprises to market their products. Therefore (Aprindo) is committed to marketing local products as long as the products have halal certificates, are of good quality and are packaged well. This opinion was taken on Hendry Hendarta said.
According to 15 & 16 sentences, we found cohesion (lexical) word “who”, actually it refers to the owner of Keripik Pisang (banana chips) he is Buyung Salbi Al-Gifar. And cohesion the word “he” also refers to him as the producer of banana chips. We can find the coherence from those sentences, that Buyung Salbi Al-Gifar found the difficult to place his products in big retailers because he had yet get halal certification, therefore in the 16th sentence explains that halal certifications remains important for local business players to place their products in big retailers. In the 16 &17 sentences we find cohesion (repetition) word “convince”, was repeated in those sentences.

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